School & Student Policies
Our school hours for students are 8:40am – 3:15pm, Monday through Friday. Students who are not registered for our afterschool programming must be picked up by 3:30pm.
Students may enter our building at 8:40am. All students will enter the building through our Farragut Street entrance and will be directed to their grade-level lines upon arrival. Car riders will utilize our “Kiss and Ride” drop-off line on Farragut Street. John Lewis staff will be onhand to support unloading students from cars in the “Kiss and Ride” line and to assist with traffic. There is no parking allowed in front of our building on Farragut Street. This space is reserved for student drop-off only. Please review the enclosed map.
Student dismissal begins at 3:15pm and students will be dismissed from assigned exits, based on their grade-level.
Pre-K: Farragut Street Exit
K – 1st Grades: Farragut Street exit
2nd - 5th Grades: Gallatin Street exit
If a student has a younger sibling(s), they should meet at the pick-up location of their youngest sibling. All students must be picked up by no later than 3:30pm. Car riders will utilize our “Kiss and Ride” pick-up line on Farragut Street. John Lewis staff will be on hand to support loading students into cars in the “Kiss and Ride” line and to assist with traffic. There is no parking allowed in front of our building on Farragut Street or Gallatin Street. This space is reserved for student pick-up only. Please review the enclosed map.
Arrival/Dismissal Map:
All DCPS students are entitled to the Kids Ride Free program, which allows students to ride for free on Metrobus, the DC Circulator, and Metrorail within the District to get to school and school-related activities. The program uses an electronic Kids Ride Free pass that must be loaded onto students’ DC One Cards. Click here to sign up for a DC One Card or call the DC One Card Helpline at (202) 727-6030.
We will begin after-school programming on Tuesday, September 5th. Afterschool programming includes tutoring, academic support, as well as social activities. The after-school program hours are as follows:
Grades PK-1: 3:30-5:30pm
Grades 2-5: 3:30-6:00pm
We have partnered with The Fishing School to provide after-school programming for students in Grades 2-5. Students must be registered in order to attend any after-school programming. Our program is currently at capacity; however, you may sign up to be added to our waitlist and will be notified if a seat becomes available.
Afterschool application:
All students must be picked up the designated end time of the afterschool program.
The JLES Before Care is set up to provide support for families who need coverage before school. The program is offered from 7:30–8:40am. The Before Care program begins on Wednesday, September 6th.
Our before care program is currently at capacity; however, you may sign up to be added to our waitlist and will be notified if a seat becomes available. You may sign up for the waitlist using this link:
Drop-off for JLES morning care is in the cafeteria on Gallatin Street, beginning at 7:30 a.m. Children will meet our morning care team and join their peer groups for activities. Students must be dropped off by 8:15am or they will have to enter the building at 8:40am with the rest of the students.
Our school hours for students are 8:40am – 3:15pm, Monday through Friday. We understand that Doctor's appointments and unforeseen circumstances may sometimes require that students be picked up early from school. Students being dismissed early must be picked up by 2:45pm. Students will not be dismissed between 2:45pm-3:15pm as teachers and staff are completing end of day activities and transitions and preparing students for dismissal during this time.
All students will eat breakfast in their classrooms. Students in PK-1st Grade will have breakfast delivered to their classrooms. Students in Grades 2-5 will pick-up breakfast upon arrival from the “Grab and Go” station in the cafeteria.
Students in PK will eat lunch in their classrooms. Students in Grades K-5 will eat lunch in the cafeteria.
Weather-permitting, students will be taken outside for recess for 20 mins/day. On inclement weather days, students will remain in their classroom for indoor recess.
We recommend that students do not bring cell phones or other electronics (tablets, gaming devices) to school. We realize, however, that there may be instances in which a student needs to have his/her cell phone before or after school (for communicating with family, etc.). We have created a fair cell phone policy, and we ask families to respect this and reinforce it at home.
The usage of cell phones is strictly prohibited during school hours. In all grades, students may use their cell phones before entering the school building and after leaving the school building. This year, we will be reinstating our policy of collecting student cell phones upon entry into our building and returning them to students at the end of the school day. All students must power off and turn in their cell phones to a John Lewis staff member upon arrival each day. Students who violate this policy will have their phones taken and a parent will be called. An administrator will return the phone at the end of the school day. Multiple violations of this policy will require a parent or guardian to pick up the cell phone. Please contact our main office at 202-576-6226 if you need to reach your student or in the event of an emergency.
DC Law requires each student attending a DC public school or public charter school to present valid written immunization certification, documenting that he or she has been successfully immunized in accordance with current Department of Health immunization requirements, to his/her school prior to the first day of classes. Unless you obtain a medical or religious exemption, DC law requires your child to receive immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, mumps, measles, rubella, polio, Haemophilus influenza type (Hib), hepatitis B, and varicella in order to attend school. Immunization compliance is documented by submitting a completed Universal Health Certificate to the school at the time of enrollment. If your child's health certificate has expired or will be expiring soon, please ensure that their medical provider completes an updated DC Health Universal Health Certificate. DC Health Universal Health Certificate
If your student has a medication plan, please use the Medication and Medical Procedure Treatment Plan form to detail your student’s medication and/or medical procedure plan to be administered at their school and return it to the Health Suite Personnel. The Health Suite Personnel will contact you to arrange medication/medical supply drop-off. For multiple needs, complete multiple sheets. Medication and Medical Procedure Treatment Plan
Student and staff safety will always remain paramount to our operations at John Lewis ES. Entry into our building will remain secure, and all persons accessing our building must be authorized to do so. Parents will not be allowed to access classrooms, except for pre-scheduled, pre-approved visits to volunteer for a planned classroom activity, event, etc.
While mask-wearing is optional in all DC Public Schools, we strongly encourage anyone who may be experiencing any illness to wear a mask to keep us all protected.
We are excited about our upcoming field trips, school events, and activities and want to share the volunteer clearance process. All parents and family members who would like to participate by volunteering must complete the DCPS Clearance process before volunteer services can be provided.
Please review the guidance below to complete this mandatory process. Please note, there is no cost associated with obtaining a background check.
• Complete the DCPS Clearance Application.
• Complete the TB Risk Assessment Screening, imbedded in the DCPS Clearance Application. If directed, based on the results of your TB Risk Assessment Screening, provide TB test or chest xray analysis results to the DCPS Clearance team at
In an effort to keep our students and staff safe and prepared to respond in the event of a threat, we regularly practice school safety drills. These include:
Evacuation Procedures (Fire Drill) - Monthly:
• For any emergency that requires students and staff to leave the building. Students are evacuated in an orderly fashion to a predetermined location and attendance is taken
Severe Weather Procedures (Earthquake Drill) - Twice per year:
• For an external weather threat students take the closest, safest route to shelter in designated safe areas (such as away from windows).
Lockdown Procedures – Twice per year:
• For use to protect building occupants from potential dangers in the building. Students are to be cleared from the hall immediately and report to the nearest available classroom. All windows and doors should be closed and locked, and no one should leave for any reason.
Alert Status Procedures – Twice per year:
• For use in securing access to the building, usually during a community emergency. Secure the facility by locking all doors from the inside. Conduct classes and activities within the building in a normal manner.
Please feel free to contact Principal Jackson at, AP Bryant at, or AP Bosman at if you have any questions or need support. Please also refer to the DCPS Website for on-going updates for SY23-24. We value your partnership and thank you for entrusting us with your children.