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Special Subjects

At John Lewis Elementary School, special subjects offered include Library, Art, Music, Physical Education, Dance and Drama studies. 




Goal: To provide a welcome, inclusive and open library where every student can access and utilize print, digital, and multimedia resources, inspire curiosity and innovation, problem solving and creation.


Information Resources:

  • / Search “John Lewis” – our catalog which allows you to search for titles and check on their availability

  • Destiny Discover – e-books/audiobook collection accessible to students with ID

  • DCPL Resources – all students are able to use TrueFlix, FreedomFlix, etc with their DC ONE Card

  • Resource Lists- ELA teams provided with curriculum based titles to support their units.



This 23/24 school year we have a full-time drama teacher and year-long drama/performing arts specials class. This year we are presenting Willy Wonka Kids for our school play production. Starting in the winter/spring all interested students' Pre-kindergarten - 5th grade will be able to audition to participate in the school musical, and rehearsals are held after school Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

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Dance, Art and Music 


Arts education at JLES cultivates students’ ability to create and empowers them to use their voice with courage.


DCPS Arts develops the critical problem solving and communication skills of students that are vital in creating today’s complex society. The Framework for Arts Learning is a curriculum that encompasses all arts disciplines, aligning student investigations and experiences from the youngest school age to graduation. 


To learn more information about the DCPS Arts Curriculum, click here.


Students receive a minimum of 45 minutes of music and visual arts instruction each week, and, through partners and local schools, have opportunities to experience museums and performances throughout the city.


Physical Education 


PE class provides academic programming that develops motor skill competency and applies concepts related to movement and performance with a focus on understanding and valuing the importance of physical activity throughout one’s lifetime. Physical Education has shifted from a competitive environment to one that is more inclusive and focuses on cooperative challenges, social interaction, self-expression and realizing personal goals while developing students’ intrinsic motivation to engage in physical activity.

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